Designing for Growth: 
The Laundryheap's Station App Revamp

Designing for Growth: 
The Laundryheap's Station App Revamp

Between October 2021 and August 2022, I was a Product Design Lead at d.Labs, collaborating closely with one of our client, Laundryheap. Our collective goal? Refine and elevate Laundryheap's MVP Station App, streamlining operations and boosting efficiency to match their swift growth.

Setting the Stage

At the project's outset, the landscape was a puzzle of scattered fragments, lacking coherence. Through a comprehensive UX audit of the MVP Station App, I aimed to uncover minor issues, but instead, significant challenges emerged. As I delved deeper, I realised the team's understanding of user challenges was limited, prompting me to propose user interviews.

Tailoring discovery questions, my teammate conducted on-site observational interviews with Facility partners in London. This led to a profound understanding of genuine struggles and workarounds tied to different aspects of laundry processing, sparking the concept of Facilities as distinct personas. The invaluable insights gleaned from these interviews guided our strategic direction, directly shaping the user-centred solutions to follow.

The Journey

Empowered by insights from the discovery phase, I employed a dynamic and collaborative approach to engage stakeholders effectively. To bridge perspectives, I facilitated focused workshops where stakeholders immersed themselves in the identified pain points. I guided discussions and prioritization, ensuring that the most impactful concerns took precedence.

The pivotal shift in viewing Facilities as distinct personas guided our decision-making process, enabling us to align solutions with diverse operational needs. This participatory method not only generated innovative solutions but also fostered stakeholder ownership, strengthening collaboration, and ultimately enhancing the holistic user experience.

Translating stakeholder input into actionable designs was a meticulous process guided by user feedback. Collaborating with my team, we transformed abstract ideas into tangible user flows and prototypes. Despite challenges like language barriers and tech-savviness during remote user testing, we gained valuable insights. Recognising the need for user-friendly language, we iteratively improved design flows and content.

My role with D.labs and Laundryheap was fulfilled upon the successful design and development team's establishment of the preliminary flows.

The Impact

By viewing Facilities as distinct personas, we could better address their needs and determine our ideal partners. Now, every cleaning facility operates uniformly, coordinating seamlessly with delivery and support teams. All order issues are promptly recorded in a central system. We've eliminated unneeded manual tasks, and our app ensures instant updates for cleaners and drivers. This redesign has streamlined operations, making everything more efficient and inclusive.

The Challenges

Unraveling Complex Issues

Beginning with expectations of minor issues, only to discover a more intricate web of challenges within the MVP Station App.

Stakeholder Alignment and Emotional Undertones

Ensuring all stakeholders and teammates understood and empathised with user challenges and the necessity for change. Additionally, managing the emotional aspects of such change — from stakeholder expectations and resistance to user frustrations and hesitations. Striking a balance between catering to end-users' needs and adhering to business goals and objectives.

Transition Resistance

Facing pushback when moving away from deeply entrenched legacy systems and processes, such as WhatsApp and manual spreadsheets, necessitating meticulous change management.

Communication Barriers

Addressing challenges like language barriers and varying levels of tech-savviness during remote user testing and feedback collection.

My Reflection

Open-minded Approach

Always conduct audits, user interviews, and tests without biases or preconceived ideas. Even minor concerns can mask deeper issues.

Stakeholder Empathy

Engaging stakeholders through workshops is crucial. Letting them experience real-world user challenges promotes empathy and leads to solutions that truly center on the user.

User-Centric Focus

Always put end-users first without sidelining business needs. The best designs appeal to both users and the business. As I proceed, I consider vital questions: Who is using the product? Under what conditions will they use it? What tasks do they need to complete, and how can we help them? Are they tech-savvy? Should they discover app features on their own, or should everything be straightforward?

Conflict as Opportunity

Differing opinions can be gold mines for innovation when channeled productively. Embrace and elevate these diverse perspectives to fuel growth.