Crafting the Gateway: Nash’s MVP Fiat Ramp Widget

Crafting the Gateway: Nash’s MVP Fiat Ramp Widget

From April to August 2023, I was a lead product designer at Nash. Our mission? Develop the Fiat Ramp Widget. This wasn't just an advancement for Nash, but a leap for the entire crypto industry, offering an API for broader integration.

Setting the Stage

A meticulous market analysis by my business teammate unveiled an exciting avenue for Nash to attract a fresh wave of crypto enthusiasts. We had three main objectives:

  1. Design MVP for NFR crypto Buy-Sell Widget.
  2. Make the onboarding and KYC processes smooth and swift.
  3. Ensure our Widget stood as a trusted emblem, bolstering Nash's reputation.

Kicking things off, I delved deep into the competitive landscape, identifying opportunities for Nash to shine. Using detailed flowcharts, I mapped our user flows. To tackle challenges head-on, I initiated workshops, which quickly turned from one into three due to the complexities we faced, emphasising the dedication to simplicity.

Going from Idea to Market

Transitioning to a hands-on approach, I developed a prototype, which was then tested by five users. Their feedback was eye-opening: our emphasis on price differentiation wasn't their main concern. Instead, they sought transparency, ease, and a clear understanding of the pricing models.

Guided by user feedback, we changed our strategy. Rather than focusing solely on price, we showcased varied payment and wallet options. This also gave us a chance to highlight the Nash App's unique feature: the IBAN account. After this shift, our focus turned to improving the onboarding and KYC processes.

The updated prototype presented a clear breakdown of costs, benefits, and choices. A key takeaway from our user tests was the need for an easy mobile verification process, leading us to expand our MVP. We aimed for crystal-clear communication, especially post-transaction, where users wanted to know the status of their funds.We hit a snag when trying to integrate external wallets, but we weren’t deterred. We looked for possible solutions, ensuring the user experience remained top-notch.

As the core components of the widget came together, I worked on enhancing the Nash App's IBAN features. Once that was done, I returned to the widget and developed a detailed Profile page to answer users' main concern: "Where did my funds go?" Due to the thorough feedback we already received from earlier tests and Nash App evaluations, we decided not to conduct further testing for this section.

Currently, the Nash NFR widget is nearing phase one completion and undergoing rigorous quality inspections.

How Our Solution Made a Difference

In the dynamic world of digital solutions, Nash carved out its niche by carefully analyzing competitors. The commitment to simple, user-focused experiences guided the design choices. By tuning into user feedback, we shifted our strategy, highlighting transparency and Nash's distinct features. Embracing innovation, we tackled obstacles, merged design elements, and used past feedback to guide us. Now, as we approach launch, we're ready to gather data and insights for further improvments.

The Hurdles I Overcame Along the Way

Team synchronisation

Ensuring clear communication was challenging. This was especially true when explaining design decisions and gathering constructive feedback.

Navigating Assumptions vs Insights

It was essential to differentiate between team assumptions and genuine user feedback. Direct insights from users led us to shift away from a price-centric approach. By honing in on this feedback, we were able to align our efforts with user preferences, such as mobile verification, ensuring our product evolved to meet contemporary user needs.

Technological Challenges

We encountered unexpected technological barriers. My approach was to remain flexible in our design and strategy, ensuring these challenges didn't negatively affect the user experience.

Resource Limitations

Due to limited resources, not all components underwent direct user testing. Balancing the enhancement of the Nash App's IBAN features with the widget's development was crucial. Through careful time and resource allocation, we ensured both the IBAN and the widget were adequately addressed, focusing on immediate needs and long-term objectives.

Key Lessons I Gained from the Project

Workshops & Flexibility Drive Innovation

Workshops are the cornerstone for team alignment, addressing concerns, and sparking fresh ideas. Flexibility in design is the playbook, especially crucial when navigating through technological roadblocks. Being open to adjustments keeps the team on the path to innovation.

Guiding Principle: User Feedback is Gold

The team might occasionally overlook the importance of user feedback, but it's my role to remind them. User feedback isn’t a mere luxury—it’s a necessity. By continually integrating user insights, we refine offerings and streamline workflow, leading to time savings.

Building on Past Insights

The resources might sometimes restrict continuous user testing, but we're far from being directionless if we lean on the feedback from prior stages, using it as a beacon to make informed decisions and keep the designs aligned with user needs.

"Initially, we hesitated to bring Ana on board due to our tight budget, but choosing to work with her turned out to be an excellent business decision. Ana excels at transforming complex user experiences into intuitive journeys. She's a clear communicator and a champion of structured collaboration that uplifts the entire team. Plus, her eye for design is truly exceptional. If you're looking for a UX designer adept in creating user-friendly interfaces for complex mobile apps, I highly recommend Ana."
Thomas Saunders
Co-Founder and CTO at Nash
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